Hello everyone! BabbleOn will be featuring a local artist every week. We shall interrogate said artist in a bid to understand surrealism and the jokes accompanying it. If you'd like your work to be featured then do write to us at blog.babble@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you! :) 29th January 2016 We met Maitreyi Bhatia. Perpetually excited, perpetually paranoid and perpetually hungry. Muralist, Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Did you ever go for 'Drawing Classes' as a kid? Your opinion on those classes? In my opinion a talent for artistic skills isn't something 'special people' are born with. When I was small I loved drawing and my Mom always encouraged me to do it and everyone I showed my work to always praised me, (because it isn’t right to tell a 3 year old that their drawings of a typical geometrical house and triangle mountains in the distance sucks.) but being praised made me feel like I was something special which made me wan...
Stories. We hear stories. We tell stories. Send in your art work, we're open :)