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'The Diary of a Young Girl' by Anne Frank - A Critical Analysis by Mahek Agarwal

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank serves as an accurate representation of the political climate existing during World War II. Her personal account here becomes exponentially   more relevant on account of her being Jewish and the anti-Semitist propaganda prevalent   then. Stemming directly from her immediate experiences of the Holocaust, this personal account then informs its readers about the horrors of war, in general; and the Holocaust, in   particular. Her account serves as the face of the tragedy of the Holocaust, becoming timeless   and carrying well into this century.     Kitty, Anne Frank’s diary, became her confidante. It was in the pages of this diary that she   exposed the gruelling horrors of being a Jew when anti-Jewish measures were being implemented throughout. With Hitler coming to power, echoes of anti-Semitist propaganda began reverberating throughout, crossing borders. As a result, the Franks were forced to live a shrouded life in incommodious quarters.  

A Diary entry by Draco Malfoy - Prerna Rohra

30 June 1997, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill him. And now he’s going to kill me and my father and my mother and everyone. But I can just say that it wasn't my fault, say that he’s too powerful, too skilled. I mean how can a 15 year old boy kill the great Albus Dumbledore. The Dark Lord should know of his power, right?  What was the Dark Lord thinking when he gave me this task? I didn’t want to do this, I shouldn’t be doing this. I know he punished me for what my father did. He said if I didn’t kill Dumbledore he would kill my parents as he carved the mark into my hand. Did he forget I was 15. I guess it doesn't matter to him. Everything went according to plan. I fixed the Vanishing Cabinet and also made sure Potter didn’t know what I was doing. It was going well and it would have ended well if I had just uttered those words. Just two words. He was at my mercy, he was weak at the time and I had his wand. So why couldn’t I say it. Just say ‘Avada Kedavra’ and it would be all o

A Critical Review of 'Becoming' by Michelle Obama - Ananya Jain

  Becoming- Michelle Obama In this book, the former first lady opens up about her early life, her journey to the White House, and the eight history-making years that followed. In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America - the first African-American to serve in that role - she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. Along the way, she showed us a few dance moves, crushed Carpool Karaoke, and raised two down-to-earth daughters under an unforgiving media glare. Michelle Obama invites readers into her world in her memoir, a work of deep reflec

The Doctor's Diary - Ananya Arora

A diary entry written from the perspective of The Doctor following the events of Lake Silencio. Dear Diary, Oh, that sounds weird but I’m doing this because River said it would help with my memory. She’s also standing over my shoulder as I write this so, for the sake of my safety, I’m going to do it properly. I don’t know what day it is; time is irrelevant in the TARDIS. I do know that today is the day after I got married. Also, the day after I died. Well, for all intents and purposes, I am dead to the world, in fact, it’s almost like I never existed. I got too loud, too careless, but more importantly, I got old. Old enough to forget things I promised myself I’d never forget. Amy and Rory, they’re my current companions, also River’s parents, which technically makes them my in-laws? I could swear Amy was just a seven-year-old girl a few days ago. Amy lost the chance to raise River. Rory has died countless times, he does manage to come back but there’ll come a day when he doesn’t, and th

The Winner of the 'Motto Writing Competition' is...

To Encounter the Great Perhaps   - Anand Nair  When we read great literature, we find ourselves face-to-face with multifarious ideologies, viewpoints, theologies, etc. which compete with other great works so as to establish their veracity within the mind of the reader. Yet as we read more, we find ourselves inevitably shedding past 'truths' and adopting new ones, while always wishing to encounter the 'great truth', a theory which will encompass all that is true and make our existence perfectly intelligible to us. But somewhere along, we suspect as Rabelais did, that such a truth may always remains a 'perhaps' for us. Yet read we must, as Sisyphus with the boulder, even if we know we may never reach the end of our quest.  Second Prize Winner   Read and Proceed!   - Dhruvi Ramchandani  English is about reading and continuing to do so till the end. The more we read the more we realise how little we have read, and hence we proceed. I think this motto will promote th