The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank serves as an accurate representation of the political climate existing during World War II. Her personal account here becomes exponentially more relevant on account of her being Jewish and the anti-Semitist propaganda prevalent then. Stemming directly from her immediate experiences of the Holocaust, this personal account then informs its readers about the horrors of war, in general; and the Holocaust, in particular. Her account serves as the face of the tragedy of the Holocaust, becoming timeless and carrying well into this century. Kitty, Anne Frank’s diary, became her confidante. It was in the pages of this diary that she exposed the gruelling horrors of being a Jew when anti-Jewish measures were being implemented throughout. With Hitler coming to power, echoes of anti-Semitist propaganda began reverberating throughout, crossing borders. As a result, the Franks were forced to live a shrouded ...
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