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The BabbleOn Glossary: Pastiche 101


BOOM! *mind blown*

Postmodernism as a scholastic discourse hit the mediums of literature and fine art long before influencing more popular media like film and tv

Warhol’s recreation of culture industry iconography made him an important figure in the New York art scene.

Avant garde musicians like Philip Glass and John Cage brought forth a death of metanarratives and a postmodern style to rock and classical music. The piece 4:33 is a good example, where the audience is witness to an orchestra that sits in silence for the titled time, until the audience realizes                 that the shuffling sounds of their own confusion and discontent is in fact the music.

The term PO-CO Karaoke basically refers to the re-writing/ recycling of classical works to subversive ends, in order to make them speak to contemporary concerns.

While mimicry is looked down upon, this observation of postmodern pastiche attempts to highlight the neutral and (debatably) positive manifestations of it. A question then, to explore in the comments section and take the understanding of pastiche further, would be the above. How does a literary or artistic movement really emerge if not for a little bit of pastiche?


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