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The Marginalised Female Characters in ‘Macbeth’

A Detailed Criticism and Evaluation of the Marginalised Female Characters in ‘Macbeth’: the Three Witches, Lady Macduff and Lady Macbeth An Introduction: Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” was written around 1605-1606. ‘The Scottish Play’ as it is usually called is both highly complex and vastly studied. Classified as both a ‘Tragedy of Character’ as well as a ‘Tragedy of Destiny’, ‘Macbeth’, one of Shakespeare’s most widely read plays, was primarily designed to show that there is great temptation in the world for a man who is over-ambitious. It achieves this by following the life of the titular character, the Thane of Cawdor and Glamis, Macbeth. It is interesting to note that Shakespeare designed the plot of most of his plays around the public taste of the time and, fascinatingly, by the needs of the actors for whom he wrote. The plays he wrote from 1603 onward were all dominated by the personality of the great tragic actor ‘Richard Burbage’. A public favourite, he required a great t

Do I believe in God?

Do I believe in God? “And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence.” – Bertrand Russell I do not understand how the mere opinion of others can make someone feel oppressive, or why someone would hide their beliefs in a modern world of religious freedom. Who am I? What am I? Where did the world come from? These are all queries everyone must find an answer to, or at least try to.  Faith. Religion. Mythology. Orthodoxy. Veneration. The higher power. These are all words, concepts and thoughts I have invested a lot of time into lately. It has taken me 18 years to finally embrace a judgement; a belief I think was very much prevalent in the back of my head all this while. I wish I recognized it earlier; however, what I have recognized now is the reason behind the unrecognition of it. I am agnostic. Many would go ahead and say that being an agnostic individual is taking the rout

Creative Writing: BLUE. GREEN. PURPLE. BLACK.

BLUE. GREEN. PURPLE. BLACK. It was a pleasant Sunday evening. I was sitting in the park. I really love going to parks. Its peaceful and beautiful and I can just sit there and observe everything thats happening around me. I usually take my notepad there, and try to write down my thoughts. So, I was just sitting on the bench admiring the pigeons when an old man, maybe in his seventy's came, looked at me, gave me a happy smile as a genuine gesture and sat down on the bench next to mine. It was a bit odd because the bench on which he sat on was somewhat dirty with pigeon waste and some spilled food, while there was a vacant place on mine. I thought maybe he was shy to come ask me if he could sit here, or maybe he just needed his own space.  I wanted to look away, but surprisingly I couldn't. There was something about this man, something that made me keep looking at him. His strong aura kept my eyes at him.   When I gazed at him for a wh

December Spine Poetry Challenge: Janki Sampat

December Spine Poetry Challenge: Janki Sampat

Legalizing Prostitution in India

Legalisation of prostitution in India Prostitution might be illegal in India, but the business of life goes on. Calling it illegal is superfluous formality and denouncing it as an immoral blotch on society. Recognizing it as a profession will at reduce the real illegalities that come with it, like child prostitution, drug abuse and crime. Societies in which prostitution is legal have concluded that it is best to regulate a profession, which will never disappear. India should learn from these societies, rather than pretend that prostitution doesn’t exist here. Especially when figures reveal that the business of sex workers takes a dip when it is vacation time for colleges. There are over 2.5 million prostitutes in India and a quarter of them are minors. Child prostitution is major issue faced by our country today. The increasing incidence of the HIV virus, this profession makes the sex workers life more vulnerable. Globally prostitution is legal in Canada, France, Wales, De