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Sex Education in India and why we need it

Sex Education in India

It is sad that when we hear the term ‘sex education’, before thinking about its true meaning, we worry about the stigma associated with it. However, we first need to understand why sex education is so necessary in India.

According to a UNFPA report, between 2000 and 2013, with 1,18,75,182 pregnancies, India topped the chart of ten countries with the greatest number of women (aged 20-24) who gave birth before they were 18 years old. While a majority of these pregnancies can be attributed to child marriage (still rampant in rural areas), we must also realize that unplanned sexual activities, a curiosity to explore and experiment are also contributing factors.

In India, the stigma related to sex also obstructs a certain amount of required awareness of it. Most teenage boys hardly ever understand what a period is, or what sanitary pads are meant for. A proper sex education regime could also be helpful in sensitizing children to prevent the use of vulgar slangs, gestures or innuendo.

Especially amongst boys (and I write this because I am one too), this awareness can also generate sensitivity towards a girl/woman. A woman cannot at any cost, be treated like a sexual object, particularly in a world where this belief is reinforced by the media.

In this age of information, children also tend to get a hold of the wrong facts from the wrong places at the wrong time. A good sex education can at least reduce the commonality of such cases.
India needs to discuss and implement a proper, structured curriculum for this subject. In other words, it needs to be taken very seriously. The basics could be taught at a young age, and complexity introduced gradually. Not only biological aspects, but emotional aspects also need to be covered. Sex is something that needs to be valued, not just blindly learnt. The aim should be to sensitise children towards contraceptives, periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, protected sex, etc.

Finally, such a step can only be taken if society supports it. It cannot shy away. For education to be introduced and taught, an entire mindset needs to be erased.

Amartya Chakrabarti


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